Chris & Amy

Age: 46




How long have you been a member of CrossFit Enclave?

8 months

Athletic Background:

Chris: I ran Cross Country, Basketball and Baseball in High School

Amy: Soccer, Gymnastics, and Swimming

What brought you to try CrossFit?

Chris: My friend Jay was posting different things about CrossFit Enclave and it looked “fun”.  I need something to hold me accountable and wasn’t the same workout over and over. 

I talked to Jay about it and thought it would be fun for Amy and I to be able to work out together so we signed up for the one week trial.

Amy: I like working out and am always up for tying new challenging ways to keep in shape.

What were your thoughts after your first WOD?

Chris: Amy and I really liked the way Freddy taught the class. But was I frustrated with learning one  snatch. I actually had to stop doing it I was so frustrated. Thankfully I was with Amy to keep me focused!

Amy: I loved the personal attention from the trainers and the emphasis on learning the moves properly. I felt good about the cardio aspect, intrigued about the gymnastics part, and the lifting style was all new to me so that was and still is hard for me to get correct.

What are your training/fitness goals?

Chris:I thought that I was a pretty athletic person….one class and I realized that round is not the shape I’m happy with.  So my main goal is to lose some weight, get into better shape and do it while hanging out with a great group of people! 

Amy: I want to tone up, stay strong, and fit. Now that I have been doing CrossFit I want to RX as often as possible.

How has your motivation changed since you started CrossFit?

Chris: I use to workout and go to the gym when I felt like it.  At CrossFit Enclave I’m actually mad when I can’t get there 3 or 4 times a week.  

Amy: I always have worked out 5-6 days a week, now with CrossFit I have 3-4 days of intense workouts that challenge me every time and I never get bored. I hate it when I can’t get my 3-4 days of CrossFit. I love that Chris and I have found something we can do together that we both enjoy.

What results have you seen from CrossFit, inside and outside the gym?

Chris: I dropped a bunch of weight. My flexibility has increased tremendously. I feel better when I get out of bed in the morning.  Well most days I do! Haha  

Amy: I am stronger for sure, I have toned up and I think about my workout and how to eat better, sleep better so my CrossFit days are more successful.


What is your favorite CrossFit WOD and/or movement?

Chris: Saturday Partner workouts.  Love working with a partner/team(Amy) to complete a challenging workout. 

Amy: Partner workouts are what brought us there and Saturdays are the most fun! Chris and I try to workout together often but I have found some really great women to workout with as well and each of them pushes me in different ways.  I love any of the gymnastics movements, like handstand pushups, walking on your hands, toes to bar etc. reminds me of being a kid in gymnastics.

What is your least favorite CrossFit WOD and/or movement?

Chris: Burpees.  No doubt about it!

Amy: Wall Balls for sure and in the dregs of winter rowing gets old, running is more in my nature.

What is your favorite thing about CrossFit?

Chris: Everyday is something different.  Seeing everyone encouraging each other to get better.

Working out with my Girlfriend.  It’s great especially during partner workouts .

 Amy: I used to get bored at the gym and unmotivated. I am never bored! I am always learning new things and being challenged. Working out with Chris keeps both of us motivated and feel good is fun and rewarding..

Honestly the best part about CrossFit at Enclave is how nice the other athletes and trainers are, everyone is encouraging others and no one makes you feel less than if you can’t RX something or complete a workout. It is really a positive motivating place. I have walked in many times in a lousy mood but I never leave there feeling anything but happy, I mean exhausted but always in a good mood.

What is your favorite CrossFit moment/achievement?

Chris: When I could actually to a back squat and break parallel. I have a really bad knee and after a few surgeries I lost all flexibility in it. After a few months of really working on my form and listening to my coaches I was able to finally do it.

Amy: When I could do toes to bar and I can almost do multiple pull ups without the bands. Oh and whenever Freddy or Colin don’t have to tell me I am lifting something wrong.

Tell us something no one knows about you:

Chris: Out of High School I had a tryout with the California Angels. I tore my rotator cuff during the tryout. 

Amy: I was on North Central College’s, first EVER Women’s Soccer Team, Uh yes I am that old. Also about 5 other girls and I had to play with the men’s team for a year to “prove” we really wanted a women’s team.

Any advice for people just getting started with CrossFit?

Chris: Listen to your coaches, come with a positive attitude and never ever give up. It may seem impossible when you start but it’s really not. 

Amy: The coaches are the best and they are your guide, listen to them. No matter how good an athlete you were or even if you never have been very athletic. They will figure out what you need to be challenged and to learn so that you do not get hurt.

What is one piece of CrossFit equipment you swear by?

Chris: Reebok Nano 2 shoes.  Best money I have spent so far! Knee sleeves a close second.

Amy: Hand grips for sure!

Do you have a favorite elite CrossFit Athlete (or other professional athlete) you follow or admire? Who & why?

Chris: Honestly,  I really admire and look up to the people who aren’t in perfect shape and yet show up day after day and grind out a workout.  Especially when it has 1,000,000 burpees in it! I also admire the Guys and Gals at Enclave that make even the hardest movements look easy.  

Amy: I really don’t watch the “professionals” that closely. At our gym I think we have our own professionals. I would say that Colin is amazing at our gym. Freddy proves that even older athletes like me can be awesome at CrossFit, he is always motivating me even when he is telling me I am still doing the lifts wrong.

Ladies, I have to say so many of you have helped me but to mention a few; Meg you are forever the ideal CrossFit woman, I mean how cool to be that tall never mind that ripped. Fran you were the first to help me and show me the ropes, Teresa and Alyssa you both are so fun to workout with and push me whenever we are partners.


Love working with Amy to complete a challenging workout..

“Working out with Chris keeps both of us motivated and feel good is fun and rewarding..”

Amy practicing double unders at CrossFit Enclave.

Amy practicing double unders at CrossFit Enclave.