
Age: 33

Alisha with her daughter at CrossFit Enclave.

Alisha with her daughter at CrossFit Enclave.


Dubuque, IOWA

How long have you been a member of CrossFit Enclave?

4 Months

Athletic Background:

I have played and coached soccer for most of my life. Throughout college, I tried to stay fit by running and lifting on my own. Life in the more recent past has included running or biking with a child in tow.

What brought you to try CrossFit?

Being fit and healthy have always been important to me. After the birth of my son in August I decided it was time to get back into it. To devote some time to me. I knew that Crossfit combined my love of weightlifting with cardio, so I decided to give it a try.

What were your thoughts after your first WOD?

I remember thinking that it was the best workout I had experienced it a very long time and that I was going to hurt in the morning. But I also remember feeling so good afterward. A refreshed feeling that I had been missing for so long. It felt good.

What are your training/fitness goals?

My ultimate goal is to get fitter and healthier - a better version of pre-baby me.

How has your motivation changed since you started CrossFit?

I look forward to getting to my 4:30pm CrossFit class. I’ve stopped making excuses. Even on the days when going home and relaxing sounds much more appealing, I’m always glad I made the decision to get to the gym.

What results have you seen from CrossFit, inside and outside the gym?

I’ve found that my focus is sharper outside of the gym. Challenging myself physically has also been a mental game for me. Finding my focus in the gym has become a transferable skill to my everyday life.

Practicing Toes to Bar at CrossFit Enclave.

Practicing Toes to Bar at CrossFit Enclave.

What is your favorite CrossFit WOD and/or movement?

I love working on toes to bar. I’m not nearly there yet, but I’ve seen visible progress.

What is your least favorite CrossFit WOD and/or movement?

The bike. I hate it.

What is your favorite thing about CrossFit?

The accountability of a team atmosphere. Yet, I also enjoy competing against myself. Pushing myself to move faster and lift more has been a fun challenge.

What’s your number one tip for balancing family life, having a career and finding time to work out?

Plan ahead. I plan out my calendar a week in advance. My husband and I rely on our Google calendars to manage our time...and make sure someone picks up our children. If I commit to time for Crossfit on the calendar, I’m way more likely to do it. 

Tell us something no one knows about you:

I am one short month away from finishing my Masters Degree. I could not be more excited to be done.

Any advice for people just getting started with CrossFit?

Keep going. In the beginning the pain is real. You’ll never be more sore in your life, but it gets better with each day. Stick it out.

What is one piece of CrossFit equipment you swear by?

I'm still a novice at this CrossFit thing. I’m not sure I have any equipment (other than shoes) that I rely on, yet. 

ALisha Smile barbell.jpg

Finding my focus in the gym has become a transferable skill to my everyday life.

I’ve found that my focus is sharper outside of the gym.