Megan M.

38 yrs


How long have you been CrossFitting?
4 months

Athletic Background:
I have played sports and was involved in organized activities all my life, such as skiing, dance, tennis and figure skating. In high school I ran track and played on the tennis team. I ran and worked out all through college and after college at local gyms.

What were your thoughts after your first WOD?
My very first WOD I could barely breath, felt complete exhaustion, and could not believe I got through it, but it felt great to have such an intense workout! I realized how out of shape I had become after having children and how great this would be for me.

What is something no one knows about you?
In graduate school I was an aerobics instructor and outdoor adventure PE teacher to undergraduate students as part of my graduate work.

What are your training/fitness goals?
I would like to strengthen my core and get strong again. I want my guns back! I need a program that pushes me to limits that I am not able to push myself just working out on my own. 

What is your favorite CrossFit WOD/movement?
My favorite movements are pull-ups and front/back squats.

What is your least favorite WOD/movement?
My least favorite move is an overhead squat, only because I am not very strong in this area and have much work to do. 

What is your favorite cheat food?
Mexican food with lots of sour cream and cocktails.

What’s your favorite thing about CrossFit?
My favorite thing about Crossfit is that I feel motivated by the people around me. Working out alongside such strong athletes, I feel the push to do my best. I really like that everyone is there to reach their own personal goals and push to new limits they have set for themselves and yet, there is a strong community and so much encouragement going on at every WOD.

Any advice for people just getting started?
Don't wait due to intimidation, just jump in and do it! There are all sorts of athletes starting at all different levels. My husband has done CrossFit for 3yrs and told me I would love it, and I don't say it often, but he was absolutely right!

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