Dan P.


I grew up in Palatine and have lived in the Dundee area now for a little over a year.

How long have you been CrossFitting?
Started in February of this year, so 6 months now! 

Athletic Background:
Jogging, disc golf 

What were your thoughts after your first WOD?
Happy it was over. I remember struggling to finish!

What is something no one knows about you?
I've been on tv.

What are your training/fitness goals?
Short Term:  I want to become more toned, and learn proper forms and techniques.
Long Term: I would like to make CrossFit a part of my life and improve myself as much as possible, physically and mentally.

What is your favorite CrossFit WOD/movement?
Power Cleans and Split Jerks!

What is your least favorite WOD/movement?
Thrusters, Snatches 

What is your favorite cheat food?
Homemade pizza, fettuccine alfredo, and big burgers. 

What’s your favorite thing about CrossFit?
Feeling good afterwards and seeing results. Working out with a bunch of great people is nice too! 

Any advice for people just getting started?
Ask questions and keep going to class no matter what. You'll accomplish all your goals this way.

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