Michael H.


Bloomington, IL

How long have you been CrossFitting?
11 Months

Athletic Background:
Basketball, Golf, Hockey and Bowling

What were your thoughts after your very first WOD?
I better add another band when I do pull-ups!

What is something no one knows about you?
I was one interview away from becoming a police officer, but backed out to pursue my current career. 

What are your training/fitness goals?
To continue to get better each day. I look forward to doing a muscle up in the near future.

What is your favorite CrossFit WOD/movement?
Thrusters. As much as I cannot stand them while actually doing them, I appreciate the hurt when I am done and have a sense of accomplishment.

What is your least favorite WOD/movement?
Hand stand push-ups. 

What is your favorite cheat food?
Without a doubt deep dish pizza.

What's your favorite thing about CrossFit?
The sense of community and for showing me what a good workout out is day in and day out. 

Any advice for people just getting started?
The soreness eventually will go away......just kidding. In all seriousness, get through the first month and after that you will be hooked!

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